Do you know a high percentage of women do not climax during sex without the help of foreplay, Do you also know that some woman are so use to lying to their husbands to the extent they are beginning to believe the lies themselves all because they do not want to bruise the ego of their almighty husband. They don't enjoy the sex and pretend to climax during it while all through the process they couldn't wait for him to finish up. Come on, why do we always do this to ourselves, have you ever seen a man who pretended to cum? I guess not, see, we are the ones punishing ourselves. All because you don't want to get him angry or because you don't want to push him away or cause you don't want him to think you're loose you decide to pretend and go with the flow, trust me he's having all the fun when he's inside you and even after cause you've made him believe he did the best job, and the funny thing is it only gets worst with time because you both will start having more responsibilities and it's just going to turn into a quickie in bed as time goes on. Most women cant even discuss sex with their husbands. Now let me tell you the little I know about most men, when they have sex with a lady and the place is loose or She's not good at it or they are just not feeling it regardless of the fact that they got to the peak (ejaculation) they begin to think of other options, guess we all know what the options are. A Nigerian lady will say it doesn't matter, men are meant to cheat but women are suppose to stay at home and wait for them to come back and do what they know how to do best which is to sleep, eat and do a 2mins quickie.Why did our society do this to us. When we have sex issues in our marriage we can't even discuss it with the closest person because the society has put us in a position where we can't do that. When we have sex issues with our husbands we have to wait till he does something else before we pour out our anger without letting him know the main reason why we are so upset. Some of us who have experienced the type of sex and foreplay that takes you to cloud nine know the difference from the one in which after he gets there you feel like you are just about to start but he's already snoring. We women are even so silly that we even judge other women that have extra marital affairs as if we don't have our own problems. A man cheats and other men give him a name that signifies he's the real man, a sharp one, man of honour, a woman does the same and we women condemn her till she feels a devil lives in her, have you ever tried to sit with this women to discuss what really happened and what lead to it, are you sure you do not fantasy on your matrimonial bed about other men or your ex who knows how to do the job and does it well, don't get me wrong, am not saying women should cheat am just saying there is a motive behind every action and we women need to be there for one another. We also need to voice out about our needs, we shouldn't let them turn us into what we never thought we would be, come on. If he's not good with his stick in bed then he should be good with other parts of his body which can be used to replace the stick.
Also women should try and be neat, in fact tell him how you care for yourself down there so he knows he's safe if he goes head down on you. While in the mood take his hands where you want to be touched and show him the rhythm, if he wants to move to other things and you still want him there tell him how much you love him and how much you will love him to continue what he was doing and how you will also satisfy him when he's done there ( you know what I mean), don't push it the first time you try this, be gentle but make him see how you love to be touched then let him have his way, being the first time you're trying this don't expect much. When you're through tell him the part you enjoyed most. Start by saying "that was a nice one baby, you made me feel like a woman and am so happy to have you , do you know the part I enjoyed most "apart from you being inside me" ( don't forget to says this one) , is when you did that and this ( I.e whatever he did that you truthfully enjoyed), if you had not stopped I would have cried out of excitement , gosh you amazed me today , love you more for that." Trust me, the next time you do it he would try harder than the first time. If you're the shy type then you need not worry, all you have to do is to send him a text when he's not with you or chat with him on phone, you can even tell him how you will handle him the next time so that the excitement is there.
Most women are not enjoying their marriage but they can't voice out so they die bit by bit till they can't feel anything anymore and the ones that are not ready to end up like that end up doing the wrong things so you can't actually give them 100% of the blame.
I don't think have heard of any woman getting a divorce on the ground that her husband isn't giving her sexual satisfaction or he isn't even giving it to her at all, not in Nigeria. Trust me this is 70% of the reason for divorce, the others fall into the remaining 30%.